By The way.. did you notice some things in the pic?
1. There two sodas 2. Both sodas has already the straw, that means that the first sodda is for the driver and second soda is not for someone waiting at home for his Chalupa combo 3. theres no passenger in the front seat (HUMAN passenger)
Soo, i think we can say that soda belongs to the dog, so we dont need to slap her (or him, i dont know)
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LOL I just love that face...
By The way.. did you notice some things in the pic?
1. There two sodas
2. Both sodas has already the straw, that means that the first sodda is for the driver and second soda is not for someone waiting at home for his Chalupa combo
3. theres no passenger in the front seat (HUMAN passenger)
Soo, i think we can say that soda belongs to the dog, so we dont need to slap her (or him, i dont know)
aw.. i just love that face...
sorry for my weird english
I might have to agree with you... i know my dog needs his Mountain Dew fix at least three times a day
i found this pic!!! hehe ;) but yea i agree too... that face is adorable!
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